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Posts tagged ‘challenges’

Migration in Africa

Africa is a fascinating place. Africa is a place that sees a lot of people moving within and across countries. Most of the reasons for people moving are “push” factors. These videos are of people moving because of war, food shortage, lack of jobs or harsh weather conditions such as drought. Watch these videos and record by taking notes of important and interesting information. Write what the push factors are that force these people to move from their home to seek a better way of life. These videos are very confronting. These are real stories and paint an accurate picture as to the hardship many people face every day. These are not opportunities for a better life. These are real challenges that these people have to deal with in order to survive.

From Zimbabwe to South Africa

Thousands of Zimbabweans cross the border into South Africa every month in search of work and security. Their journey into to the cities often takes many weeks and when they finally arrive they are not guaranteed work. Many lack the basic services and cannot afford to pay rents.

From Mali to Mauritania

Close to 70,000 refugees from the conflict in Mali have come to the M’bera refugee camp in Mauritania in search of food and safety. Drought across the Sahel region of Africa has made life precarious for residents and refugees alike. With the rains fast approaching, it’s a race against time to deliver enough food to last the camp through the summer before the roads turn to mud.

From Central African Republic to Republic of Congo

Fighting and a coup since late last year in Central African Republic have forced more than 30,000 people to seek refuge in DR Congo. UNHCR chief António Guterres visited some of them.

From Somalia to Kenya

The Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya is the world’s largest refugee settlement, home to almost 300,000 people who have fled the war in neighboring Somalia. The camp is located in an area of Kenya where pastureland, water and other resources are at a premium, and many Kenyans in the surrounding community resent the refugees and their use of local resources. Conflicts between the two groups erupt periodically, and to ease tensions, aid agencies have sponsored income-generating projects in the town of Dadaab.

From Sahel to Chad

As the hunger crisis deepens across the Sahel region of West and Central Africa, WFP’s Jon Dumont travels to Chad, one of the countries most affected. He sees how a mixture of high food prices, mounting malnutrition and relative isolation are affecting Chad’s most vulnerable inhabitants.

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